This statement sets out the actions that Mortgage Advice Bureau (Holdings) plc (MAB Group) has implemented in relation to preventing bribery and corruption in its business dealings.
It is MAB Group’s policy to conduct its business in an honest and ethical manner. It takes a zero-tolerance approach to bribery and corruption and is committed to acting professionally, fairly and with integrity wherever it operates and implementing and enforcing effective systems to counter bribery and corruption.
MAB Group does not tolerate any form of bribery, whether direct or indirect, by, or of, its employees, suppliers, consultants or any person or companies acting for it or on its behalf.
MAB Group has published an anti-bribery and corruption policy, combined with policies on gifts and inducements outlining its position on preventing and prohibiting bribery and corruption. These policies apply to all employees, appointed representatives, suppliers and contractors, they are required to embed this into their cultures and working practices.
Bribery is offering, promising, giving or accepting any financial or other advantage, to induce the recipient or any other person to act improperly in the performance of their functions, or to reward them for acting improperly, or where the recipient would act improperly by accepting the advantage. An advantage includes money, gifts, loans, fees, hospitality, services, discounts, the award of a contract or anything else of value. A person acts improperly where they act illegally, unethically, or contrary to an expectation of good faith or impartiality, or where they abuse a position of trust. The improper acts may be in relation to any business or professional activities, public functions, acts in the course of employment, or other activities by or on behalf of any organisation of any kind.
MAB Group will not conduct business with service providers or suppliers that do not support appropriate anti-bribery and corruption objectives.
Employees and others acting for MAB Group are strictly prohibited from making, soliciting, or receiving any bribes or unauthorised payments. It should be noted that bribery is a criminal offence that may result in up to 10 years’ imprisonment and/or an unlimited fine for the individual and an unlimited fine for the Company.
If you are offered a bribe, or are asked to make one, or if you believe or suspect that any bribery, corruption, or other breach of this policy has occurred or may occur, you must notify MAB Group’s Chief Risk Officer using the Anti-Corruption and Bribery Reporting Form OR report it in accordance with our Whistleblowing Policy as soon as possible.
How to raise a Whistleblowing Concern
To raise a whistleblowing concern please contact our nominated whistleblowing officer.
The contact details are:
Contact No: 01332 200020
Email: [email protected]
Should you wish to raise a whistleblowing concern independently this can be raised directly with the FCA. The FCA’s whistleblowing contact details are:
Telephone: 020 7066 9200 or
E-mail: [email protected] or
Write to:
Intelligence Department (Ref PIDA)
Financial Conduct Authority
12 Endeavour Square
London E20 1JN