When do you think is the ideal time to spring clean your home? Would you say March, April ………...? No matter when you decide to grab the marigolds and polish, there’s no denying that spring cleaning is the perfect opportunity to rejuvenate your home. And we’ve got five top tips to share with you on how to do just that!

Tip #1

‘Clean the nooks and crannies’

Go through each room with a fine toothcomb, and don’t forget to reach those areas that normally get missed, like round the back of the sofa and those pesky cobwebs that are hard to reach! You’ll be amazed what a difference it will make. You could even clean down your outdoor furniture so it’s ready for when the warmer weather comes (yes, it’s on its way!)

Tip #2

‘Organise and declutter’

Let’s put on our organised hats and get cracking! Storage boxes and organisation dividers are your new best friends when it comes to organising and decluttering your belongings. Whether it’s clothes in your wardrobe or condiments and food items in the kitchen, if there’s anything you no longer use/wear, or haven’t used/worn in a while, then it’s probably time to part your separate ways.

Remember you can donate your unwanted clothes that are still in good condition to charity, as it’s a win-win situation – they’re off your hands and going to a good home!

Tip #3

‘Let the light shine through your home’

Natural light will show off the true beauty of your home so draw back the curtains and embrace the light! Making the most of natural light could also help you save money on your energy bills. Did you know that you could apply for a green mortgage if your home is energy efficient? Find out about the benefits of green mortgages by reading our article here.

Tip #4

‘Revitalise your garden’

Is your garden in need of some TLC after the winter months? The brighter days of spring makes it the perfect time to bring your garden back to life, especially with everything starting to bloom. You could add some bird feeders to your garden to attract the wildlife, and add a fresh lick of paint to your shed or fencing to brighten up the whole garden.

Tip #5

‘Consistency is key’

Once you’ve finished your big spring clean, you’ll no doubt sit down and admire all your hard work with a glass of something refreshing. But remember, now you’ve done the hard work, the key is to keep on top of it. By carrying out smaller, regular cleans, you’ll keep your house sparkling clean and you’ll have a continuous spring in your step!

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You may have to pay an early repayment charge to your existing lender if you remortgage.